How to inspect your tire condition before a long road trip?

The suitcase is packed, sunglasses are on, the fuel tank is full, and you are all set to hit the road. But wait! Before you hit the gas, there is something important that you have more than likely overlooked - your tires.  

Whether you are going on a weekend getaway with your better half or a week-long vacation with your group of friends, Road trips are fun. There is nothing that beats the feeling of being on the road with your favorite people. Unfortunately, it only takes a flat tire to ruin everything in a second. Thus, if you are taking a long road trip, it might be a good idea to ensure your tires are in perfect condition.  

Tires are an essential part of the journey and ensuring they are in pristine condition before you are on the road is even more crucial than having the right playlist pumping out of your stereo. Stewart Towing, a leading tire repair service provider in New Jersey, believes that the condition of your tires can make or break your entire road trip experience. Therefore, we are sharing expert tips to inspect your tire condition before you hit the road for your journey. 

Flat Tires Services Somerville

  • Check tire pressure 

Whether you are taking your personal car for the journey or have rented one, it’s vital to always check tire pressure before you go on a long road trip or carry an extra load. Tires having inappropriate inflation pressure can lead to tire damage and also have an impact on the vehicle’s ride, fuel economy, and handling. Read the vehicle manual to know about the manufacturer-recommended tire pressure for your vehicle type. Make sure you check your tires when they are “cold” which means your vehicle hasn’t been driven for at least 3 hours. 

  • Tread depth 

Also, check whether your vehicle has sufficient tread depth or not. Tread depth is vital to ensure your vehicle tires can grip the road properly. The minimum safe tread depth of vehicles is often 2/32 of an inch. The tread depth of your vehicle plays a crucial role in ensuring safety when hitting the gas or pumping the brakes, especially in wet or slippery conditions. 

  • Rotation, balance, and alignment 

For the efficiency of your tires, it is recommended to keep up the recommended tire services such as tire alignment, rotation, and balance. These services help prevent irregular wear while improving fuel efficiency and the longevity of your tires. Check for signs of premature tire wear, misalignment, and imbalance before you take your vehicle on the road.

Bonus tip -  

Even if your vehicle and its tires are in pristine condition, car troubles are inevitable. Therefore, it is recommended to have the number of a flat-tire service provider in Somerville. This way you can ensure that you can call for help if things go sideways during your journey. 

 A road trip can be tricky and stressful, especially if you are going to a place where there is snow or heavy rainfall. Checking and inspecting your tires beforehand ensures a smooth and safe ride. 



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